Who are these guys???


Hello and welcome to our first blog.

If you have made it this far through our website, you have obviously heard about us or have seen one of our posts on social media. So thank you for exploring your curiosity to get here. If you have merely stumbled upon our page by accident, we are the3engineers, nice to meet you.

A bit about us. We are self-proclaimed children’s book authors (makes us giggle every time)….. without any tangible physical material, but we are getting very close. Technically speaking in this day and age, our stories in the form of audio books qualifies us for that title. Therefore, we continue to call ourselves that as a proxy to Engineers; to us it sounds better. 

Going forward we plan to share our journey with you in little bite-sized mouthfuls dating back to the start of the project in September 2018. So far, we hope you have enjoyed navigating our website, enjoyed listening to our book series called “The Adventures of Scout”, and we hope you love the messages hidden in each book. After all, each book has been designed so that readers can join ‘Scout’s team’ and help better the planet; by either picking up litter, planting seeds to feed the bees, or up-cycle household waste and turn it into useful props to help animals in our local habits.

Every aspect of the journey thus far has been rewarding. We have learned so much about each other and the processes involved to create the books and plan to share our experiences with you. Initially, we will share our past successes, but we also want to share with you our future vision for the project, as we continue to strive towards raising awareness of current environmental issues with young people and in schools. It is our way of taking action to better the world. 

Stay safe everyone


Year 1…